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  1. Thanks for this. Good tips and we’ll definitely look into the hotels in Florence.

  2. Hi, I came across your blog just yesterday as I googled for information on Italy. And I have to say, very useful blog, and – what stunningly interesting photos! Brilliant. Your photos made me want to visit each and every one of these places!

    At the moment I have another Q for you, could you share the name of the E95 room hotel in Venice that you refer to in the blog. At the moment I am rushing through some very basic planning (flight and room!) – which is what I have time for (only 🙁 ) for Venice. My knees recovering from injury almost made me cancel the trip, but I have decided to go. Even if I just sit in a balcony and people watch, it will be worth it!

    Thanks again and I look forward to visiting your blog again. Once more – beautiful photos.

    Safe travels.

    1. Ciao! It’s Hotel Bisanzio. Like I said, we got a great rate in the middle of winter, the location was perfect and the staff were friendly. The last photo in this post in the Venice section is the view from our balcony. It’s a great choice! There are a few stairs to climb on the bridges in Venice, but for the most part it is pretty flat. Hope you enjoy the scenery while you recover.

      Thank you so much for your kind words about my blog! Grazie!

  3. I enjoyed reading this but I especially loved seeing your little dog in the hotel rooms! xx

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