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  1. I’m visiting this place soon … can’t wait to witness the beauty of it, prayerfully it will be a good weather for us when visiting..

    1. I’m headed there next weekend and used your blog for help!

      We are staying up on the mountain and I’m worried the commute will take away from your time. But as you said – Switzerland is meant to be seen from up! So I think it’s worth it.

      Was there ski gear rentals on mount Pilates?

      1. That will be fun! I did see a handful of people skiing and families sledding, but I’m not sure if they rented them or not. I would think there would be a place to rent equipment, I just can’t remember the specifics. Enjoy your trip!!

  2. I am traveling to Switzerland this weekend and plan to do this exact thing! Do you remember how long the trip to the top of Mount Pilatus and back took you?

    1. Hi Blair, I want to say it took about an hour from Lucerne. We took a bus to the lift and I believe you have to change lifts in the middle of the mountain. It was absolutely stunning! Enjoy!

  3. Oh my gosh it all looks soo beautiful! I have never ski’d or snowboarded either but I want to try one day! x

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